Wow, another year...2006 is now history and we've begun 2007!
If you’re like most people, you make resolutions each new year's day, only to find by the end of January
(or the end of the week!), you’ve already forgotten about it. And I sit here wondering to myself, why do we fail so miserably at our resolutions? Well, why did you pick...enter your resolution be your goal for this year? I believe, in part, it could be our heart motive behind those resolutions.
Without a doubt, the most common resolution we hear about is losing weight. With obesity on the rise in America, one would think this would be a good resolution to stick to; but it’s difficult to break bad habits and start new, good habits...very difficult! So the resolution itself is good - but our heart attitude is off. We really want to lose the weight, but we don’t relish the hard work and effort that it takes to make that happen. I don't like to make New Year’s resolutions.
If I feel the Lord leading me to change or correct something, I don’t want to wait until New Year’s Day to put it into action. Am I always successful at everything the Lord tells me to change or to do? I wish I could say yes, but the truth is - No, I’m not. Why? Because I am not perfect and I am still a work in progress...I'm a sinner.
So what’s my point? For 2007, my resolution, or should I say goal so I make it past the end of this week, is to grow even deeper in my walk with the Lord. I want to know Him more fully and intimately. I have looked back on 2006 and while it’s been a blessed year, it’s also been very stressful at times. I find myself busier than I should be and that busyness has left me tired, stressed and not digging into the Word like I need to. I read my Bible - and I do pray and hear from the Lord, but it’s not as close a relationship as it should to be - and it’s my fault. I let life get in the way of what should always have been my first priority: my relationship with Christ.
Now, it wouldn’t kill me to lose about 25 or 30 pounds, do some more organizing in my home, take more time for relaxation, prayer and just quietness; but I know that the root of all the good things I want/need to do will come
after I first seek God and put Him first above all else. My heart was seeking worldly things rather than pursuing a relationship with the One who will give me what I need...spiritual growth, and what I lose weight, organize my life, etc. No wonder I am stressed and tired!
I was trying to do all these things! I can only do all things
through Christ who strengthens me, if I let Christ strengthen me. I was leaving out the important element in my plans: Christ!
The year 2007 is going to be a year of rest, less stress and spiritual growth for me. I know this is what God is calling me to - and without this step, nothing else will get done that I want. I must first do what I need to do.
Is God calling you to do something? Get your priorities in order and all else will come in God’s timing.
God bless you in 2007!