Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Love Is Not Irritable, Day 6

Challenge: Choose today to react to tough circumstances in your marriage in loving ways instead of with irritation. Begin by making a list below of areas where you need to add margin to your schedule. Then list any wrong motivations that you need to release from your life.

Journal: Where do you need to add margin to your life? When have you recently overreacted? What was your real motivation behind it? What decisions have you made today?

Today's chapter talks about how selfishness can take other forms, such as: lust, bitterness, greed, and pride. Out of this list of 4, I know that I have an issue with bitterness. I hold onto things and let them leak out when the smallest thing sets it off. I sit and I stew. I can hold onto things for days before either finding a way to let it go or go off. Grant it, usually I can end up letting it go, but there are those occasions that that doesn't happen. Since starting the Love Dare, I have tried to not hold onto things if they are not important.

Where do I need to add margin to my life...whew...most of you girls have seen my schedule! Is this question a joke? :) I probably need to add in some more "at home" time...the time where I just say "no" and stick to it. (This will probably kill me, so pray for me girls!)

When have I recently overreacted? That's a tough one because I'm a pretty easy going person. I suppose last week when Mike told me he was going to have to set up for VBS right after church instead of Sunday evening. That was not his fault, other than he didn't say no. He didn't plan that time, it was told to him. I did let it go and got over it...and I apologized for my reaction. My real motivation behind it was selfishness...that sounds so ugly.

What decisions have I made today? I'm going to let things go...not sweat the small things and not make mountains out of molehills. I also need to prioritize things and stick to my schedule, whether it's busy or has nothing on it.